Friday, September 7, 2012

Starting Over

Well everyone, it seems like when I got hacked about a month ago, the hackers did a great job and even my blog got hacked to death!

So, today, I begin again!!

I will say that it has been my dream to be a homesteader for about 3 years now.  My dear sweet Scott and I had originally planned on going to Texas this year but it didn't work out due to a serious change in his health.  Unfortunately, when I DO become a homesteader, I will probably be doing it on my own.  NOTWITHSTANDING, I WILL BE DOING THIS IN THE FUTURE AND I AM NOT GIVING UP THE DREAM. 

That said, here are a few things I want to share about my dream for my future homestead: 

The cabin is called th Peniac, it will have a Pioneer Princess Wood Cook Stove and I will probably decorate it like the picture that depicts a gingerbread decoreated home. 

I don't plan to have a lot of land, just enough for a nice sized garden, chickens, goats and who knows, maybe even do some beekeeping.  I hope to learn how to make cheese (hence the goats) and since I am already starting to learn how to make soap, I will hope to learn to make more types.  (Right now it's just laundry soap - easy, cheap and does a great job!).  I also plan to learn how to bake bread, BFORE I move out of my house and start my homestead.  I think it helps to know some of this stuff BEFORE ALL THE CHANGES.  I also am planning on learning how to sew, and eventually, I may actually trade my van for a pickup truck (although not sure about that). 

I ordered my first pair of work boots today and I hope to get involved with Habitat for Humanity and do some volunteer work so that I can learn some much needed building skills. 

Not sure where this homestead will be (location wise) but I know that when I do have it, I WILL SUCEED because I will be doing something that I love! 

Yes, I do hope to have solar and wind power, and yes, there will be a well too. . .

For now, it's just a dream in progress, but it will happen someday, and then you are all invited to come visit the homestead! 

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