Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Learning Curve

So today I decided that if I am really going to start preparing to homestead, one of the most important things I need to do is LEARN THE BASICS! 
For me, that means READING! 

Does anyone know how many books there are available on homesteading?  Raising Chickens, Pigs, Goats or any other animal? Making Cheese is an ART in and unto itself.  Building Cabins, Solar Power, Wind Power, Digging Wells and making sure your water is safe, HOW TO FIND THE RIGHT LAND FOR YOUR HOMESTEAD,  Canning, Butchering, Clay pot cookery, cast iron cooking, dutch oven cooking,  wood stove care, heating with and cooking.  Ok, so you get the idea, the list is ENDLESS.  And as I sit here trying to downsize my library of non-essential cookbooks, there are 10 books for each book I get rid of that look great!  I am grateful for libraries that I can go to check out books to see if there is any one book that looks easier to learn from than any other. 

I did a quick run through Ollies and came home with two books, one on chikens and one on pigs.  I went to Ebay and found HUNDREDS on goats and cheese making, plus the "Dummies" series is facinating.  I would need a WHOLE WALL in a cabin just for my books to know how to LIVE!

And don't get me started on all the different ways to house chickens!  The birds can live better than I will be living if I want them to. . . lol

It is all so exciting for me that I am ready to get started now, so I have a few books, there is of course information all over the internet to study, and I have lots of binders I can fill up with information. 

I am ready to start learning about the life I want to live.  I know that homesteading isn't an easy lifestyle, but nothing worthwhile is.  I don't want the Ponderosa (even though DeRosa is my maiden name).  I doubt I will have cows, but I know I will have chickens and goats for milk and cheese making. . .

I keep seeing Col. Sanders in the back of my head, he started is whole new life with KFC when he was in his 60's after failing at other businesses, WHY NOT!!   

I also keep in mind my favorite scripture:


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